04 July 2007

First day of school

Not scary at all! The Sorbonne isn't really a campus, just one really large building and a few other faculty buildings in the same quartier, so my lack of direction hasn't hurt me yet. The one thing that does scare me is the guard at the entrance on rue de la Sorbonne. Every time I enter he asks me for my ID card and where I am going, as if I look like some homeless hooligan wandering into the university. He even high-fived the guy walking in front of me!

And here I am being a huge tourist in front of the main building, photo credit to Kelly for taking a great one of me waving across the street to her. Although I am almost always late to class, my walk goes past both Hôtel de Ville and Notre Dame, so I'll have to slow down every once in a while to enjoy this:

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